It is often possible to resolve several issues or all of the problems arising from the breakdown of a relationship with a written agreement frequently called the "Separation Agreement."
A person should discuss all issues with a lawyer, before signing any agreement, including information about their current circumstances, the rights and responsibilities they will need in the future; and how the agreement will weather the test of time.
An agreement written and entered into at the start of the relationship, or before living together commenced, setting out the parties' entitlements in connection with the potential breakdown of a relationship, is often called a "Cohabitation Agreement" or "Pre-Nuptial Agreement." Other written agreements, such as religious agreements, or immigration agreements, may later influence the legal rights of a person upon separation and may alter o the usual statutory rights found under the Divorce Act or Family Law Act.
A court can review a written agreement and uphold it, vary it, or set it aside, depending on individual circumstances. The exact wording written in each agreement may affect a person's future legal rights or responsibilities. In some cases, very open-ended wording gives an agreement long term flexibility, while tightly defined details may ensure easier enforcement in the future. We are here to assist individuals to attain a fair, settlement of all issues.